Meet The Actors - Louise Montgomery
Name: Louise Montgomery
Professional Training
Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama
Roleplay Experience
Examples of the various roleplays Louise has been involved in.
Medical scenarios such as breaking bad news, bereavement issues, organ donation. Ethical situations for doctors and dentists. Cultural and diversity training. Domestic violence, Social work and management roleplay. Training for incapacity benefit assessors.
Clients Include, Scottish Police College, Tulliallan. South Lanarkshire Council. NHS, McMillan nurses, Scottish Executive.
Personal Skills and Experience
Louise has worked professionally as an actor since 1994 and has worked in film, television and stage productions, touring the country with many children’s theatre companies.
She has been involved in role-play training for medical students at Glasgow University for over ten years. The skills taught are used in consultations and in preparation for the OSCE exam which also introduces foreign students to the ethics of role-play. Louise is able to facilitate and lead sessions, so has excellent feedback skills and can communicate to a high standard. She has worked with a large number of companies and has assisted in co-ordinating an away day for the Scottish Executive.