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Professional roleplay sevices for public & private sector

organisations who want to 'Keep it Real'

Case Studies

GP Selection Centres in Wales and Severn

Since 2003, Role Play Reactors have been asked to supply role play actors for the annual Selection Centre for medical professionals applying to join the GP Vocational Training Scheme in both Wales and Severn Deaneries.


RPR's involvement over the years has also included consultation on developing specific baseline scenarios for the 1:1 mock consultations which take place during the Selection Centre process. Our usual brief is to organise and prepare 14 actors per day over 2-4 days.


The role play actors portray patients with a specific background and agenda. They are required to give feedback on each candidate's performance and this is implemented by means of a patient rating form completed by the role players after each consultation. The role player provides ratings for communication skills, empathy and sensitivity, problem solving and overall performance. We are looking forward to providing the same service again for the next GP Selection Centre`s in 2011.




..."Thank you for organising your team of simulators so well at our recent Assessment Centre for the selection of doctors into GP Training in Wales..."

Dr Phil Matthews
Deputy Director of Postgraduate Education For General Practice, Cardiff University



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