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Professional roleplay sevices for public & private sector

organisations who want to 'Keep it Real'

Case Studies

South Wales Fire and Rescue 


South Wales Fire and Rescue Service required the services of an Agency to provide suitable Role Players for Assessment Development Centre Role Play. The Assessment Development Centre Role Play takes place throughout the year as part of the recruitment and promotion of staff process.


The Assessment Development Centres are designed to assess participants’ performance on skills that have been identified as suitable for the promoted post or management level applied for.


The role play involves the role player playing the part of for example, a member of the public, an internal or external stakeholder, or a South Wales Fire and Rescue Service employee.  The role player presents the situation or problem and the participant is required to discuss the issues and try to resolve the situation or problem.


To date we have worked South Wales Fire and Rescue Service in the following capacity:

  • Supplying actors for supervisory Assessment Development Centre
  • Strategic Managers ADC`s
  • Middle Managers ADC`s
  • Corporate video


Roelplay Reactors have supplied actors for up to 15 days over a 4 week period with 100 % attendance and 100% timekeeping. The actors also had numerous training days.


Throughout our work with the South Wales Fire and Rescue Service, the feedback we have received from trainers, management and participants has been consistently positive and we believe we worked together with the South Wales Fire and Rescue Service staff to create a team atmosphere in a successful recruitment process.


We now also supply actors for ADC`S to most of the other Fire and Rescue Forces throughout Scotland.



The delivery of the role plays was fantastic and consistent, which as you know is so important. 70 candidates went through the process, so it no mean feat to retain that level of expertise. Also, the feedback that they provided following each role play was invaluable to the assessors as additional information to add to their own observations.

Jackie Edwards
H R Manager, Recruitment & Assessment
South Wales Fire & Rescue Service



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