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Professional roleplay sevices for public & private sector

organisations who want to 'Keep it Real'

Case Studies

Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW) The National Assembly for Wales

Assessment Centre to select Peer and Lay Reviewers for the NHS in Wales.


Role Play Reactors won the contract to research, design and prepare base scripts and characters for HIW's Assessment Centres across Wales. The base scripts that the role players' worked from enabled assessors to evaluate the candidates' skills and experience.


We also supplied, briefed and organised 60 role play actors over 21 days in five assessment venues across Wales. The role play actors participated in "mock interviews" and played NHS employees (e.g. clinical directors and nurses). The role play actors also provided written feedback regarding each candidate's performance.


..."I would also like to thank Role Play Reactors who provided me with the best medical role-play actress around – thank you for your great attention to detail and genuine interest in this venture..."

Julie Robinson
Clinical Specialist Physiotherapist, Gwent HealthCare NHS Trust




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